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  • Title of the course: Love Yourself… And allow the world to have it your way!
  • Author: Lester Levenson and Larry Crane
  • Delivery method: fully online, self-paced course, partner, phone support
  • Price: $97 one time investment if you click on the link above (otherwise $279),
  • Buyer protection: 30 days 100% money back guarantee, no shipping fees
  • PublisherRelease Technique
  • Language: English

Negative Thoughts

When you learn about love (true, unconditional love) you will find that you have the most powerful tool available to you all the time.

Love is the answer.

Love is healing.

Love is transforming.

Love is strength.

Love is power.

When you learn to love yourself unconditionally, the world is literally yours. You live in the highest energy, and your downs to other people feel like really high ups.

When you learn to love yourself you can and also experience having everything you need. The world comes your way when you love yourself. People come your way. Money comes your way. Health comes your way. Happiness comes your way.

Everything in your life works perfectly when you love yourself.

This course shows you, step by step, how to remove all blocks and connect with love at a powerful level. It gives you the tools to have everything in your life fall into harmony.

It is really important to notice that the course has full 30-day money back guarantee, and since it’s an online course (meaning no shipment fees) you really have nothing to loose by checking it out.

If you are ready for an even deeper, more detailed course, check out the upgraded Lester Levenson Online Course.



For a detailed list of books I recommend, as well as the reason I recommend them, I suggest you check out my article on Top 10 Inspirational Books – My All Time Favorite List.

I am absolutely sure if you find a book there with which you resonate, it will help you immensely.


Here is the list with the articles that I have published on this site and that I think are really helpful for specific situations you might encounter.

Why Are People Afraid of Change?

How to Listen With Your Heart

Why is Waiting so Hard and Painful?

How to Be Grateful for What You Have

How to Let Go and Love What Is

How To Stop Complaining And Be Happy

Letting Go of Someone You Love – Doing It Right in 3 Steps

What is Failure in Life – 3 Ways to Stop Feeling Like a Failure Right Now

10 Ways to Control Anger – Easy Way Out Starting Right Now

How to Change With Love?

Inspirational Quotes on Love – Lester Levenson Way

What Is the BEST Way to Stop Smoking – When Everything You Tried Has Failed?

How To Cure Anxiety Attacks?

How Can I Stop Worrying About Everything?