Sometimes we feel like we don’t matter. The following transcript of one conversation might help you with that experience.
EGO: I want to feel like I matter. I want to be important, to be someone.
TRUTH: You matter. You are important simply because you exist.
EGO: That is not enough.
TRUTH: It is all that you will ever need.
EGO: There is nothing special in simply being
TRUTH: That is only because you never experienced consciously simply Being.
EGO: If something happened right now, in this moment, that would be the proof to me that I was important and that I matter.
TRUTH: Why do you need proof? Why don’t you simply choose to feel important right now, without the proof?
EGO: Because it doesn’t count if there is no proof!
TRUTH: Who said it doesn’t count?
EGO: I said it. If I don’t have the proof that I am important, other people will think I am crazy for feeling like that, without proof.
TRUTH: Why do you need to prove yourself to them?
EGO: So that we all agree that I am important and that I really do matter…
TRUTH: I already told you that you are important and that you matter.
EGO: Yes, but you don’t count…
TRUTH: Why is that?
EGO: Because I cannot show you to anyone else
TRUTH: That is strange because I am everything and everyone else.
EGO: Stop messing with me, you know what I mean
TRUTH: You want to be important in separation. I am hidden in separation. But you can find me even there, all you have to do is look at a slightly bigger picture.
EGO: What bigger picture? Don’t you understand? I really need to be important if I am to survive this
TRUTH: Why bother, nobody ever survives life
EGO: What do you mean?
TRUTH: All people experience their death eventually there is no denying it.
EGO: Death only happens to others, and I don’t plan to die any time soon.
TRUTH: Most of you never plan their deaths.
EGO: I thought every spiritual lesson out there teaches of eternity and living forever.
TRUTH: You are forever, but your ego is not.
EGO: What do you mean? I feel myself right now, and you tell me that I am not.
TRUTH: Interesting that you said it like that. Who is the one that feels itself right now?
EGO: You are just trying to mess with my head.
TRUTH: There you go again
EGO: What?
TRUTH: You said “your head”. Whose head is it?
EGO: My head, me being an individual that has this body and uses this mind.
TRUTH: You are limiting yourself right now
EGO: How am I limiting myself?
TRUTH: You are saying that you are an individual. However, you are so much more than that.
EGO: What am I?
TRUTH: Now that is the real question that you need to ask yourself
EGO: Well aren’t you going to give me the answer?
TRUTH: You need to come up with your own answer
EGO: Why is that so?
TRUTH: Because this needs to be experiential.
EGO: No it doesn’t.
TRUTH: It is similar to finding out the taste of banana
EGO: How so?
TRUTH: I can try to explain to you how the banana tastes like, but it can never be the real deal, don’t you agree?
EGO: I agree.
TRUTH: So why do you then insist on trying to understand the Truth, when you simply need to choose to experience it and know it?
EGO: It is not easy to know the answer to that question
TRUTH: It is the simplest thing there is
EGO: Oh really? And why is that?
TRUTH: Because you already are that answer, experiencing yourself every moment, simply not realizing it.
EGO: How does this all connect to me being important?
TRUTH: You would not exist if you were not important.
EGO: But I don’t have the power, money and attention of others.
TRUTH: You don’t need that to be important.
EGO: But they are my proofs of having importance, and also I need money to stay alive.
TRUTH: I told you that you don’t need proof. In addition, a limited human body mind is not required to last forever.
EGO: So you are saying I will die no matter what?
TRUTH: Yes and no. Your body and mind will go through a process called “dying”, in a way, but who you really are never dies.
EGO: Great, so all this trouble for nothing…
TRUTH: Well, you are not meant to be in trouble or to effort in this world.
EGO: And how can you be sure of that?
TRUTH: Simply, because there is no requirement of proof to experience whatever you want to experience. That entire requirement is self-imposed by you.
EGO: Fine, then I want to experience lots of money.
TRUTH: Actually, you don’t really.
EGO: I don’t? What do you mean I don’t? Of course I do.
TRUTH: You only want to experience the feeling that you associate with having lots of money.
EGO: What feeling is that?
TRUTH: Having security, approval and control.
EGO: Well of course, you need money to have all those things
TRUTH: No, those are simply feelings that you are really after. You don’t need money to experience those feelings. They are yours to experience without proof.
EGO: There is no way I can feel safe and secure without money to pay my bills.
TRUTH: Why do you need to pay your bills?
EGO: So that I can continue to live.
TRUTH: Are you saying by paying your bills you are guaranteed to live?
EGO: Uh.. Well.. No, it doesn’t guarantee, but in most cases it is a strong requirement.
TRUTH: Why don’t you go for the thing that guarantees that you live safe right now?
EGO: What is that?
TRUTH: Choosing to experience the feeling of unconditional safety and well-being.
EGO: That is exactly what I am trying to get.
TRUTH: You don’t need to get it, it is already yours.
EGO: But I don’t feel it.
TRUTH: It is only because you set up the self-inflicted denial of those feelings. You decided that you need money in order to justify feeling safe, approved by and in control.
EGO: And I don’t?
TRUTH: I told you, no material proof is required.
EGO: Wouldn’t I just be fooling myself if I felt safe without money?
TRUTH: Actually, you are fooling yourself right now when you are claiming that you are not safe without it.
EGO: But I can die without money, there is no way for me to survive in this dog eat dog world.
TRUTH: How do you know that with absolute certainty?
EGO: I see it all around me. Those without money can’t provide for themselves or their family. It is absolute necessity to have it.
TRUTH: What you see around you is not important; it is what you feel inside of you that is. Do you think that safety is guaranteed for those who have money? Do you think it stops them from experiencing pain or dying? If it is not guaranteed that with money you absolutely have safety, then the alternative, that if you don’t have money you will not survive is also not guaranteed.
EGO: So what you are saying is that nothing is guaranteed?
TRUTH: Quite the opposite, everything is guaranteed and given to you simply because you are.
EGO: I am afraid if I listen to what you are saying that people will think I am crazy.
TRUTH: Everyone who lives as a human being in this world is more or less crazy, don’t worry about it so much.
EGO: Right, easier said than done.
TRUTH: Actually, it is easier done than said or explained.
EGO: OK, I can try this out. How do I begin?
TRUTH: What is it that you want to experience?
EGO: Let’s do this with importance. I want to feel important.
TRUTH: OK. Let go of feeling unimportant.
EGO: This is proving to be counterproductive.
TRUTH: On the contrary, try it out and you will like it, I guarantee it.
EGO: How do I let go of the feeling of not being important?
TRUTH: There are several ways, let’s try this one. Can you see that you have directly linked the feeling of importance to the material proof of having money?
EGO: Well not just having money…
TRUTH: I know, but let’s just use money for now.
EGO: OK yes, I feel I would be allowed to feel important if I had money.
TRUTH: Who decided that you need money to feel important, ultimately? Just give me the end result.
EGO: In the end, I decided that.
TRUTH: You see it? Good, we are making progress. If you are the one who decided that, it means you are in control of choosing what to believe in. How about deciding that you will no longer buy into that conditional programing? How about deciding you are willing to allow yourself to feel important even without the proof of money?
EGO: Can I really do that?
EGO: OK, I allow myself to feel important right now, no strings attached.
TRUTH: How is that going on for you?
EGO: Well, I feel a little bit more important! Almost like it is working
TRUTH: Why would it not work? If you are, then you are everything that you decide. It feels only a little bit because you are still not allowing yourself fully to experience that feeling with no string attached. Do it fully and unconditionally.
EGO: OK, I feel actually good right now.
TRUTH: This is how you are supposed to feel all the time. This is your natural state. It’s simply by denying it that you feel bad. For you, this is a step in the right direction. Keep it up and see how deep the rabbit hole goes…
It is impossible for you to not matter. Everything that exists is automatically worthy. Suffering only happens in denial of your self-worth. We deny it by saying (and more important believing) “I am not worthy” or “I am not important.”
It’s time to change your beliefs. It’s time to stop fooling yourself.
You are worthy. You are important. You matter.
I found out 10 years ago, August 23, 2007, that I don’t matter when a minister lied about me, and I was fired as church secretary….all because I couldn’t provide the church with children. I’ve been invisible ever since.
Hi 🙂
You concluded you were not worthy based on someone else’s expectations and demands. Who gave someone else the power to decide on your worthiness? Love doesn’t depend on other people, it can manifest through other people but it is not needed for you to love yourself. You are the only one who chose to have your power away and you can also choose to take the power back! I suggest you stop believing what anybody else says and start loving yourself